Part Time Pal 1940 x 28
Part Time Pal
Tom is told by his owner, Mammy Two-Shoes, to guard the refrigerator for the night and keep Jerry away from it, or else he'll be thrown out of the house. Upon hearing this, Jerry outwits Tom, but goes too…Read More
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse Tom and jerry 1940 x 30
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse
Jerry drinks a potion that makes him grow super-strong. He decides to go after Tom because this time, he's stronger. Once the potion wears off, Tom drinks some of it himself and grows bigge…Read More
Cat Fishin' 1940 x 27
Cat Fishin'
It's beautiful day at a lake... one that's surrounded by a fence that's plastered all over with "keep out" and "no fishing" signs. Not to mention the bulldog (Spike) who guards it. But that doesn't st…Read More
The Cat Concerto 1940 x 29
The Cat Concerto
In this episode, Tom plays as a concert pianist who plays beautifully, but keeps getting interrupted when Jerry is inside of the piano, making Tom hit the wrong keys. Throughout the episode, Tom tries t…Read More
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